Douglas County Complex Fire Final Update


“Douglas County Complex Fire

July 15, 2015 8PM


Information Officer Jeff Sevigney

NEWS FROM THE FIRELINE: Firefighters have completed mop up work on both fires. Firefighting personnel have been released from the fire to return to their home units. Today at the end of shift, the type 3 incident management team will transfer fire command back to the local jurisdiction. A small contingent of firefighters will remain on the scene throughout the weekend to patrol and maintain the fire perimeter.

The Douglas County Complex fires started Friday July 10, 2015 at approximately 6:00 PM, east of Waterville, WA. The five lightening sparked fires merged into two large fires. Both fires are being managed as the Douglas County Complex.

There were no reports of any injuries or structures lost. All evacuation orders have been lifted. Firefighters and the incident management team would like to thank everyone affected by the fire for their understanding and cooperation.

Incident website:


SIZE: 22,337 acres (acreage increased due to more accurate mapping)

LOCATION: North fire 17 miles northeast of Waterville, WA and south fire 10 miles southeast of Waterville, WA

VEGETATION TYPE AND TERRAIN: Brush, grass and sage.

WEATHER: Temp 84 degrees, 18% humidity with west winds 4-8 mph becoming 10-14 mph with gusts to around 25 mph after 1:00 PM.


RESOURCES: Engines and a dozer with a Type 4 incident commander.

AGENCIES & COOPERATORS INVOLVED: Douglas County Fire Districts 1 & 8, Grant County Fire District 13, Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office, Bureau of Land Management, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Douglas County Emergency Management.

Previous Update:

Douglas County Complex Fire Update

July 12, 2015 9 PM

Information Officer Jeff Sevigney

NEWS FROM THE FIRELINE: Firefighters continue to do excellent work today on both fires. Crews were able to keep the north fire near Jamieson Lake with in the fire perimeter as they worked to strengthen fire lines. Firefighters on the south fire worked closely with multiple aircraft and dozers to establish and maintain fire lines. A level 3 evacuation order remains in place for approximately 30 residents on North Palisades Road. All other previous evacuations orders are level 1 including Rock Island Grade which was added this afternoon.

The Douglas County Complex fires started Friday July 10, 2015 at approximately 6:00 PM, east of Waterville, WA. The five lightening sparked fires have now merged into two large fires. One fire is burning approximately 17 miles northeast of Waterville near Jamieson Lake. The other fire is burning approximately 10 miles southeast of Waterville.

Evacuation orders are being managed by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. A type 2 incident management team has been ordered. There have been no reports of structures lost or injuries at this time. Red Cross has established a shelter for affected residents at Ephrata High School.

Incident website :


SIZE: 22,212 acres (acreage increased due to more accurate mapping)

LOCATION: 17 miles northeast of Waterville, WA and 10 miles southeast of Waterville, WA

VEGETATION TYPE AND TERRAIN: Brush, grass and sage.

WEATHER: Temp 84 degrees, 25% humidity with southwest winds 6-8 MPH with gusts to 15 MPH.


RESOURCES: Aircraft, engines, dozers, water tenders and hand crews along with a Type 3 incident management team.

AGENCIES & COOPERATORS INVOLVED: Douglas County Fire Districts 1 & 8, Grant County Fire District 13, Washington State Fire Marshalls Office, Bureau of Land Management, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Douglas County Emergency Management.”

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