Spokane Valley Deputy Convinces Distraught Male Not to Jump


Spokane Valley Deputy Convinces Distraught Male Not to Jump 

Last night, Spokane Valley Deputy James Wang convinced a distraught male with suicidal thoughts to get the help he needed instead of trying to end his own life by jumping from the Barker Bridge into the Spokane River.  The male was taken into protective custody and provided medical assistance.

On June 21, 2017, at approximately 9:15 p.m., Spokane Valley Deputy Wang responded to citizen’s reports of a male making suicidal statements and preparing to jump from the Barker Bridge into the Spokane River.

When Deputy Wang arrived, he observed the male positioned toward the outside of the bridge, sitting on the rail.  As Deputy Wang approached, the male stood up as if he was going to jump and shook his head no at the deputy.  Deputy Wang backed up and the male sat back down.

Deputy Wang began talking with the male who explained he was going through some hard times, felt suicidal, and wanted to jump off the bridge.  After several intense minutes, Deputy Wang successfully convinced the male to climb back over the railing and allow Deputy Wang to get him the help he needed instead of trying to end his life.

Spokane Valley Fire personnel, already on scene to assist, provided medical attention.  The male was transported to a local hospital for further medical assistance.

Thank you to the caring citizens who reported and talked with this man while Deputy Wang and Spokane Valley Fire responded to assist.

The Spokane Valley Police Department and Spokane County Sheriff’s Office would like to encourage anyone considering suicide to please seek help by calling 911 or the Spokane Mental Health 24 hour Crisis Line at (509) 838-4428, toll-free (877) 678-4428.  Emergency services are available and accessible to all Spokane County residents, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365 days a year regardless of age, culture, mental health coverage and without need for pre-authorization based on medical necessity criteria.

Deputy Mark Gregory

Spokane County Sheriff’s Office

Spokane Valley Police Department
Public Information Officer

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