Update Neighbor’s Fence Argument Escalates to Assault with a Firearm


Neighbor’s Fence Argument Escalates to Assault with a Firearm

On September 7th, 2015, at approximately 6:15 p.m., Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Stan Kravtsov, along with additional deputies, responded to a possible shooting/assault call in the 6700 block of North Garfield Road and arrested 68-year-old Willie C. Asher for Assault 1stDegree.

The victim told Deputy Kravtsov he had recently been having a problem with his neighbor about a fence the neighbor constructed.  The victim said the fence was installed on his property and his cows kept getting their feet tangled in the finer mesh of the new fence.  He said he noticed Asher out by the fence and when he went out to talk to Asher about it, Asher immediately became angry and began yelling at him.  At one point, the victim said Asher swung his arm toward him and he felt he was going to be assaulted.  The victim walked back to his residence and observed Asher do the same.

A few moments later, the victim heard Asher calling him back to the fence and the argument continued.  The victim said he climbed up on the fence to show Asher where the property line was as Asher continued to yell, curse and state he was going to kill the victim.  As the victim climbed down, he said Asher pulled a dark colored revolver from the rear of his pants area and pointed it in the victim’s direction.  The victim said Asher fired the pistol, striking the ground approximately 5 feet from where he stood.  The victim, now frightened and fearing for his life, returned to his residence and called 9-1-1.

Deputy Kravtsov contacted Asher in the driveway of his residence.  Asher complied with Deputy Kravtsov’s commands to show his hands but was angry and yelled profanity at the deputies.  Asher was detained and placed in handcuffs.  He soon calmed down and agreed to answer questions after being advised of his rights.

Asher told Deputy Kravtsov he was upset with the victim and he felt the victim planned to remove the fence he believes was correctly installed.  During the argument, he said his neighbor threatened him and was trying to climb the fence to get on his property.  Asher said he walked to his residence, retrieved the firearm and walked back outside to the fence where he said the victim was still attempting to climb the fence.  Asher yelled at his neighbor asking him what was wrong with him and if he wanted to die as he drew the pistol.  Asher said he fired the pistol into the ground close to the feet of his neighbor.  When asked if he felt scared or was in fear for his safety, Asher said no.  He said he fired the pistol because he wanted to scare his neighbor and prevent him from messing with the fence.

Asher was transported and booked in the Spokane County Jail for Assault 1st Degree.

Thankfully, no one was injured during this incident.

Deputy Mark Gregory
Spokane County Sheriff’s Office
Public Information Officer

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