SPD arrest several during stolen truck stop. Gun, fake money and more located.


On May 31, 2019 Spokane Police stopped a reported stolen truck downtown. Several people were detained out of the vehicle. Officers located drugs, a gun, fake money and suspected stolen items inside. Two of the occupants were booked for various charges and the owner of the vehicle took custody of the vehicle.

On Friday evening a male called 911 stating that he was following his stolen vehicle south on Division, approaching downtown. Several patrol Officers were in the area and located the stolen truck. Officers pulled the truck over on Spokane Falls Blvd and detained three occupants.

Raymond Lindley (33 yrs old) was in the front passenger seat and Jameel Henriksen (34 yrs old) was in the back passenger seat. A female was driving the vehicle, but was not arrested. After the occupants were detained, Officers searched the vehicle. Inside Officers located two counterfeit $50 bills. A baggy with a substantial amount of Methamphetamine was located under a seat. Other baggies with Methamphetamine, Heroin and paraphernalia were located throughout. Officers also located a handgun that had been reported stolen out of Seattle two years prior.

The vehicle contained several other items which Officers believed might be stolen such as jewelry, tools and tires. The investigation will be ongoing to determine the owners of that property and future charges may also exist for that.

Raymond was charged with possession of a stolen motor vehicle, unlawful possession of a firearm (because of convicted felon status), possession of a stolen firearm, Possession of Methamphetamine/Heroin and Lorazepam, and possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver.

Jameel was charged with possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver.

Cpl Van Tassel

Spokane Police Department

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