“Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order and Its Enforcement


“Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order and Its Enforcement

Spokane, WA – Local law enforcement are responding to the numerous questions regarding Governor Jay Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order and how it will be enforced.

The Executive Order comes in response to increasing precautions in the fight against COVID-19 across the state of Washington.

As local law enforcement begins to carry out the state-wide directive, officials seek to dispel rumors and misinformation about its enforcement. It is important all citizens take this seriously, be responsible, and stay at home. 

As the Governor stated is his live address, the order does not mean residents cannot leave their homes to get food, exercise, accomplish essential services, or simply go for a walk.  However, the order restricts public and private gatherings, such as weddings, large barbeques, and group sports.

Local health officials want to emphasize the importance of continuing social distancing (minimum of 6 feet or distance between each other), wash your hands, disinfect surfaces, and follow the other guidelines provided by Spokane Regional Health District Health Officer Dr. Bob Lutz, the Washington State Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Additionally, deputies and officers will stop to educate and inform groups or businesses if violations are observed.  Community members are asked to NOT call Crime Check or 9-1-1 to report individual incidents of children playing on park equipment, a barbeque, or people not following social distancing. 

The phone reporting and emergency lines must stay open for citizens needing emergency response of deputies and officers. 

If a business intentionally or continually violates the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order, individuals could face the loss of business licenses and/or criminal charges.

The Spokane Region has always come together in time of crisis or adversity. Now is the time for everyone to do their part and set the example for others to follow.  #StayHomeStayHealthy and be #InlandStrong.  


Joint Information Center
Emergency Coordination Center
Greater Spokane Emergency Management

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