Thank You for the 100,000 LIKES!


Super Thanks! We have gone over the 100,000 Likes! Truth is, Spokane News wouldn’t be what it is today without the awesome Page Members! Seriously, Live News is needed and obviously Enjoyed. It has been a great almost 6 YEARS since Spokane News was created!


A large unknown number of Crimes have been solved and assisted in solving because of Page Members. For those that have been around long enough to remember the Balloons then you know the uphill battle we fought. The ways we changed how reporting was to how it is now. The quickness information was relayed and public becoming more aware of their surroundings. This is because of You!


We are 100% Volunteer and over the years have had many volunteers come and go but they helped make SN Grow and I Thank each one of them. Spokane News isn’t going anywhere, and we hope to make it grow even larger.


What started as an idea to bring Live News to the community has grown amazing and certainly a success! Do you remember how many Likes there where when you became a Page Member? It’s been a great 100K Likes and we can’t wait for the next 100K to come. You guys Rock! You send in Pictures from the scene, you update information on the scenes and you post information to the Page which often helps us and others know what is going on.


We need to have a Party, so stay tuned as we will be posting our Free Community Event and BBQ once again this year! If you want to help out, sponsor or help out in other ways, send me a message to


Thanks 100K! Jay

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