The Spokane Police Department and Spokane County Sheriff’s Office are teaming up to issue a warning about a possible lethal batch of drugs in the Spokane area after what appear to be three overdose deaths in less than three hours this morning. Anyone with information on these incidents, or on the associated criminal activity around drug distribution in our area, is asked to call Crime Check at 509-456-2233.
The first of the three incidents started as a medics call in the 100 block of west 3rd just after 5:30am this morning, March 9, 2016. The caller stated a male in his 20’s was not breathing and may have accidentally overdosed. Officers were called to the scene by medics after the person was unable to be resuscitated.
The second incident was called in just before 7:45am in the 13600 block of east 4th in Spokane Valley. The caller reported that he was unable to wake a female at the location. Again, the victim was unable to be resuscitated.
The last incident came in just after 8:00am as a welfare check request in the 00 block of east Short in downtown Spokane. The caller reported that a female who appeared to be in her 20’s was sitting in a car and had not moved in a couple of hours. Officers responded to the scene after medics confirmed the subject was deceased.
There is NO direct link between these deaths at this time; however the fact that there were three in such a short amount of time is cause for concern. Anyone with information on these incidents or information that could assist in finding people responsible for distribution of drugs in our area is asked to call Crime Check at 509-456-2233, or call anonymously at the City’s Tipline at 509-242-TIPS or the County’s Tipline at 509-477-3181.
The Spokane County Medical Examiner’s Office will be responsible for releasing the identities of these individuals as well as their exact causes of death.
If you or a loved one is seeking services for substance abuse treatment, please visit this webpage for a list of community resources:http://www.spokanecounty.org/communitysvcs/SAT/content.aspx?c=2120
Ofc. Teresa Fuller| Public Information Officer| Spokane Police Department