Commercial Structure Fire 3000 East Broad


Spokane Fire Department Media Release: At approximately 3:00 pm on Thursday March 18th, units from the Spokane Fire Department (SFD) were dispatched to 3000 block of E Broad St for an apartment fire. 911 received reports of heavy black smoke coming from the back door of the apartment building.

Firefighters arrived in four minutes to find smoke and fire coming from a 1st floor window of the apartment building and threatening to extend to the house next door. Crews quickly attacked that fire from the exterior saving the neighboring house.  Fire had extended into the upper floor apartments by this time.

SFD crews completed a quick survey of the rest of the building and found heavy fire coming from the upper floor of the rear of the structure setting fire to adjacent parked vehicles. Firefighters suppressed the bulk of fire on the back side of the building while other crews made entry and attacked the interior fires on the lower and upper floors while simultaneously searching the apartment for victims. All occupants had safely exited the building before firefighters arrived.

Fire was quickly extinguished, preventing extension of the fire to any other structures. The apartments sustained significant smoke, fire, and water damage throughout the first and second floors.

The fire displaced six adults and one teen. Red Cross was contacted and are making arrangements for their housing and support.
The cause of the fire was determined to be accidental by the Spokane Fire Department Special Investigations Unit.

A reminder to our community; Plan and practice your home fire escape plan. There should be two ways out of any room used for sleeping.  Children, older adults and people living with access or functional needs many require additional help to wake up and get out. Have an agreed upon meeting place outside, a safe distance from your home where firefighters can easily find you. 

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