SPD Arrest a Pair of Package Thieves


On Wednesday, an alert neighbor in the Corbin park area had witnessed a female steal a package off his neighbor’s front porch. The female and a male she was with then walked off. The neighbor called Police and Officers located the couple several blocks away and arrested them. The packages were recovered and given back to the victims.

On February 5th, 2020, a male living in the area of Euclid and Washington noticed a male and female walking down the street. The male was later identified as 29 year old Joseph Stolar and the female as 29 year old Alison Couch. The witnessed observed Couch walk through a yard and to the front porch of a residence. The female grabbed a package off the porch and fled. She met back up with Stolar and the two continued west on Euclid. The witness called Police and gave a great description of the pair, including wording on their clothes, bags they had and color of scarfs around their necks.

An Officer was in the general area and responded to the call. Based off the great description given by the witness, Officers were able to quickly spot the pair as they walked out of the area. Officers made contact with Stolar and Couch in Corbin Park, next to the restrooms. As Officers approached, Couch attempted to hide a package against the restroom, out of view.

Both Couch and Stolar denied doing anything wrong and denied approaching any residences in the area. After confronting Couch with the package she attempted to hide, she admitted to being involved in the theft. That package however, had a different address then the one the witness provided. After some investigative work, it was discovered that Couch had taken packages from two different residences in the same neighborhood. The other stolen package was located strapped to the outside of Stolar’s luggage that he was carrying.

Both Couch and Stolar were arrested for Theft. They were issued criminal citations and released from the scene with a court date.

Neither one is a stranger to theft or criminal activity. Stolar has a criminal history out of California that includes Theft, Vandalism and dangerous weapons possession. His convictions in Washington include Forgery, 2 counts of 4th assault and Malicious Mischief (Vandalism).

Couch’s criminal convictions include 3rd assault, 1st degree theft, 2nd malicious mischief and DUI.

We would like to thank the neighbor who not only called this in, but also gave a great description, which made finding and identifying the suspects a lot easier.

Cpl Van Tassel

Spokane Police Department

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